quarta-feira, novembro 12, 2008

medo da justiça

«You said that you're afraid of dying. You're 72 years old. What are you afraid of?

Oblivion. Of not being alive, quite simply, of not feeling life, not smelling it. But the difference between today and the fear of dying I had when I was 12, is that now I have a kind of resignation towards reality. It no longer feels like a great injustice that I have to die.»

Philip Roth, numa entrevista de 2005

1 scone(s)

Às 22/3/09 16:39, Blogger arlete disse...

curiosa com o "chá principe" a quem chamo e penso ser da origem "chá de Kaxinde"
dei a volta , gostei.
Vi-o de referência em Sardinheiras...


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