quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2005

rádio clube português

Em comemoração de uma (re)conquista recente e para amaciar o pêlo ao Carlos Paulo, confesso apreciador, qualquer coisa de premonitório em ambiente hazlo tu mismo. Na manhã de uns e noites de outros.

From these shores where we belong
I have seen the land beyond
Where the lord is strange and strong
I have seen the land beyond

There's no telling who'll be dead
When the pale horse is turning red.
And the tongues will burn in vain
And everything will feel the same

There's no patience, there's no peace
I have seen the land beyond
Where the gravestones never cease
I have seen the land beyond

Through the troubles of the years
through the heavenly appartition appears
And we're haunted by our own minds
When the spirit comes (in disguise) (in the skyes) (in your eyes)

From these shore where we belong
I have seen the land beyond
I'll be there and I'll be gone
I have seen the land beyond

Beck, I've Seen The Land Beyond

1 scone(s)

Às 18/11/05 11:30, Blogger Carolina disse...

La...la...la...la....ra....la...mas que bonito!!!!


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